About Us
Mechanics & Applied Technology & Research for Innovative Structures
MATRiSEB is a full service structural engineering consulting firm located in Ankara, Turkey. MATRiSEB has wide range of experience from complete structural design of new buildings to peer review of design, rehabilitation of existing facilities, forensic analysis, failure investigation, structural and seismic evaluation and due diligence, condition assessment and vibration analysis. We offer high-end structural engineering services in four sectors; nuclear power industry, wind energy, seismic and structural health monitoring.
Mission MATRiSEB provides innovative engineering solutions with an emphasis on quality and integrity and commitment to the engineering principles. We thrive to be in the fore-front of advanced research and technology and actively contribute enhancement of our profession.
Vision MATRiSEB aims to become the leading provider of professional engineering services in the field of applied mechanics and to earn the trust of its clients and the respect of its peers. |
Meet the Team

Dr. Bulut is a Structural and Seismic Specialty Engineer with over twelve years of experience in performing structural analysis and design for various types of structures including nuclear power facilities, steel and prefabricated concrete industrial facilities, towers, steel platforms, substructures, retaining walls. He is experienced seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) analysis, design of nuclear reactor Seismic Category - I structures, and evaluation and retrofit design of nuclear facilities. He has over five years of interdisciplinary research experience in the fields of experimental mechanics, structural health monitoring, model based damage identification, system identification and vibration control. He has worked closely with US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and US Department of Energy (DOE) standards for nuclear facilities, including NUREG 0800, NRC Regulatory Guides, ASCE 4, ASCE 43, ACI 349, ACI 318.

Barış Ünal is a Structural Engineer with experience on analysis of nuclear power plant structures and seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI). Barış Ünal holds PhD. degree in Structural Engineering, M.S. degree in Earthquake Engineering and B.S degree in Civil Engineering from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. His research area is disaster risk management focused on earthquake disasters and pre-disaster phase of management. His research experience includes ground motion simulations, engineering seismology, seismic fragility assessment, seismic risk assessment and catastrophe insurance valuation. His PhD topic is evaluation of modeling uncertainty in seismic vulnerability calculations. He has worked on stochastic earthquake simulation for Bursa Region in his Masters studies He has experience on performing nuclear facility walkdown, evaluating probabilistic seismic hazard analyses, site response analyses, soil-structure interaction analyses and conformity of the related documentation with the international nuclear industry standards and regulations.

Dr. Ömer F. Usluoğulları
Dr. Ömer F. Usluoğulları is a Geotechnical Consultant with over thirteen years of experience in performing geotechnical analysis and design for various types of projects including landslide rehabilitations, deep and shallow foundations, slope stability analysis, retaining walls, and shallow tunnels. Dr. Usluoğulları is experienced in soil-structure interaction analysis, landslides and retaining walls. Dr. Usluoğulları has over ten years of interdisciplinary research experience in the fields of experimental soil mechanics, soil displacement and stress monitoring, stress distribution at tunnels, retaining wall optimization, and soil failure mechanisms. He is also very skilled in modeling and analyzing complicated soil behaviors using 2D/3D finite element analysis.

Erşan Göksu
Mr. Göksu is a pioneer and internationally recognized expert in the post-tensioning concrete technology and has 40+ years professional experience in post-tensioning applications. He is the managing director of MEG Management and Engineering Group, Technical Consultants, Switzerland. In the past, he worked as a research and development engineer in Element AG Bern, responsible for developing AVT Anchorage Patent of Switzerland. He also worked in the project and research department of FE-GA Prestressed Concrete Ind. Co. Ankara. He is specialized in post-tensioning technology, earthquake engineering, and structural dynamics; reinforced concrete structures; precast and prestressed concrete structures; dams, HEPP and irrigation systems and structures.

Dr. Ömer O. Erbay
Dr. Erbay is a registered professional engineer with over 16 years of research and professional experience. He has worked and managed projects for analysis, design, investigation, repair, and rehabilitation of structural systems using internationally recognized codes, standards, regulations, and guidelines such as AISC, ACI, NRC, AWWA, ASME B&PV, AWEA, IEC, ASTM, and EN. He has strong background and understanding of structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, wind effects on structures, analysis and design of wind turbines, soil-structure-interaction and seismic analysis and design of nuclear structures, analysis, design, and rehabilitation of concrete, steel, and composite pipelines, collapse analysis, failure risk assessment, fragility evaluation, probabilistic analysis, fracture mechanics, fatigue evaluation, finite element modeling with non-linear and temperature-dependent materials, and structural optimization.
External Consultants
Below are the external consultants that mentor us and that we work with.

Prof. Dionisio Bernal
Dionisio Bernal is a Professor of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and a member of the Center for Digital Signal Processing at Northeastern University in Boston. He is the recipient of the Moisseiff Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) for his work in dynamic instability of buildings subjected to earthquakes and of the Hayes and Martin Essigmann Awards from Northeastern University for excellence in Teaching and Research. He is an honorary professor of the Institute of Technology of the Dominican Republic, is an international faculty at the Harbin Institute of Technology (China) and is past chair of ASCE Engineering Mechanics Structural Health Monitoring Task Group. His research is in the areas of earthquake engineering and systems theory and, in particular, on analytical techniques for damage characterization from vibration measurements. The well-known Damage Locating Vector (DLV) approach is one of his contributions. He teaches courses in Structural Dynamics and System Identification and is co-author of a McGraw-Hill textbook on reinforced concrete design.

Dr. Aybars Gürpınar
Dr. Aybars Gürpınar is an External Hazard Specialist and Retired Director of Division of Nuclear Installation Safety at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Dr. Gürpınar has twenty one years of service at the IAEA at various levels of responsibility. Dr. Gürpınar specializes in three major fields; (i) “new build” nuclear power plant projects focusing on selection and qualification of the site, establishment of the regulatory framework, site-design compatibility, environmental impact report preparation (radiological impact), (ii) protection of nuclear and other critical facilities against acts of sabotage, (iii) design and evaluation of nuclear and other critical facilities against external hazards, especially earthquakes. Dr. Gürpınar holds a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.

Dr. Ece Eseller Bayat
Dr. Ece (Eseller) Bayat is currently Assistant Professor at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey. She received her bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey in 2002. She earned Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees in Civil Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston MA in 2004 and 2009, respectively. Her research is specialized in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, focusing on liquefaction of sands during earthquakes, liquefaction mitigation, shaking table testing of soils, nondestructive testing of large soil samples, and seismic evaluation of artifacts and estimation of site-specific soil behavior using downhole arrays. She received 2014 ASCE Thomas Middlebrooks award on her studies on the experimental investigation of a new liquefaction mitigation technique.

Gündüz Saner, PE
Gündüz Saner is a Senior Consultant and registered professional engineer with over 34 years professional experience in Civil-Structural projects. He has worked on projects for analysis, design, repair, and rehabilitation of structural systems using internationally recognized codes, standards, regulations, and guidelines such as AISC, ACI, NRC, ASCE, ASME and AASHTO. Mr. Saner is experienced in providing continuous engineering support for all nuclear power plant activities during periodic refuelling outage. Between 2008 and 2013, Mr. Saner worked as a Senior Engineer in URS/Washington International Group at Fermi II Nuclear Power Plant in Detroit, MI. He is experienced in design of nuclear Safety Related Category I structures and systems. Between 1994 and 2008, Mr. Saner worked as a Lead Engineer for Volkert & Associates, Inc. in Florida where he performed bridge design and analysis along with existing bridge lengthening, widening and rehabilitation. Mr. Saner holds an MS degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (Structures emphasis) from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI.

Dr. Barış Erkuş, PE
Dr. Barış Erkuş is currently an Assistant Professor at Civil Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. He received his Ph.D. degree from University of Southern California in 2006. He received his M.S. and B.S. degrees from Middle East Technical University in 1997 and 1999, respectively. He was a researcher at Bridge and Structure Laboratory of The University of Tokyo between 1999 and 2001. He worked for Arup Los Angeles and Arup Hong Kong between 2006 and 2012 as structural engineer. He has experience in design of reinforced concrete and steel structures. He has particular specialization in seismic design of structures, tall buildings, base isolated structures and dampers. He is currently conducting research on application of dampers on tall buildings and involved in several tall building and base isolated building project as structural consultant.

Özgür ARDA
After graduating from METU Geological Engineering Department in 2000, Özgür Arda completed his MBA degree at Başkent University. After performing in business development and senior management positions in public universities, non-governmental organizations, and Turkey's leading private sector companies, he provides industry-independent consulting since 2018. He is involved in different managerial positions, while continuing to mentoring. Özgür Arda is also the founder and the chairman of the board of directors of the Sales and Business Development Association.

Dr. Fatih Alim
After completing his undergraduate education at Hacettepe University, Department of Nuclear Energy Engineering, Dr. Fatih ALİM completed his master's degree on "Finite Element Modeling of Pellet - Clad Mechanical Interaction in nuclear fuels" in the same department. He completed his PhD study on "Heuristic Rules Embedded Genetic Algorithm for in-Core Fuel Management Optimization" while working as a research assistant in the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Energy Engineering at Pennsylvania State University in USA. Between 2010 and 2013, he worked on the design of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems and their analysis in terms of nuclear security at the European Union Joint Research Centre in Italy. In the following years, he worked as the Head of Nuclear Safeguards and Security Section, the Head of Nuclear Safety Department and the Head of Technology Department in Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, respectively, and managed these units for licensing and inspection of nuclear facilities in terms of nuclear safety and security.

Dr. Şeref Polat
Dr. Şeref Polat -- TBA